About Me

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I'm Arthur, a Golden Retriever. I was rescued from the streets of Taiwan through the efforts of Golden Retriever Rescue and many kind volunteers in Taiwan. I understand Mandarin and English but cannot speak either. I have the innate ability to smell anything 'round' and I consider myself a real foodie as I'm willing to try just about anything edible. I was adopted by my human in 2009, my human ROCKS; together, we are on a special mission in rounding me into a stellar 'urban dog'! This blog is dedicated to my journey in urban development and the humans who make it possible.

February 29, 2012

Arthur Occupies Wall Street

"Ya so, what's the big deal?"

1 comment:

  1. Hey, happy leap day Arthur! I was surprised and happy when you showed up on my reader today! Love seeing Arthur in the beautiful big city! And that new doggy park looks amazing! We want to get back to NYC to see Eric and Rachel, maybe this summer (hoping)? Greetings from South Dakota, have a great day!
