About Me

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I'm Arthur, a Golden Retriever. I was rescued from the streets of Taiwan through the efforts of Golden Retriever Rescue and many kind volunteers in Taiwan. I understand Mandarin and English but cannot speak either. I have the innate ability to smell anything 'round' and I consider myself a real foodie as I'm willing to try just about anything edible. I was adopted by my human in 2009, my human ROCKS; together, we are on a special mission in rounding me into a stellar 'urban dog'! This blog is dedicated to my journey in urban development and the humans who make it possible.

October 30, 2013

One Year After Sandy

One year ago today,  my human was all excited and talking about someone called "Sandy". When Sandy finally arrived, we left our home and met a bunch of other humans in the gym. I had to team with my human-friend Glo, we helped each other walk up 28 flights of stairs. I'm happy this year we are walking down the stairs!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Arthur Dugless!

    My name is Tammy. I hope you don't mind me commenting on your blog. I just wasn't sure how else to reach you. I sincerely apologize if this comes across as spam, that is not the intent. With Christmas just around the corner, I thought you might be interested in our latest infographic "Are You A Doggie for Christmas Kind of Mom?". You can view it at Flickr.com: http://www.flickr.com/photos/106131018@N08/11241972855/ (Preview) . FYI (in case you're not familiar) Flickr.com is owned by Yahoo!. It's a very safe site and won't hurt your computer. To download the infographic right click on it and Flickr will show you some options.

    If you like this infographic and want to share it with your readers, please feel free to do so. The only thing that we ask in return is that you link back to TheUncommonDog dot com in some way from your post.

    As a way of showing our appreciation to those who choose to share the infographic, I'd be happy to spread the word about the blog post by linking to it from our Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ pages. Just let me know that you posted it and send me the link.

    If you'd like to be removed from our contact list, please let me know.

    Happy Holidays!
    Tammy Sexton
    Marketing Coordinator
    Tammy at TheUncommonDog dot com
